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Can Stress Be Your Friend?

Today is a public holiday. I planned to spend it doing various activities, but I seem to have caught a slight cold (out of the blue) and need to stay home and recover. My first thought was that the cause must have been my packed agenda and related stress in the last weeks.

As I was eating my healthy soup and promising myself to re-think my daily commitments and reduce my stress levels, I stumbled upon Kelly McGonigal’s TED talk How to make stress your friend. It gave me food for thought and a new way to view stress and comfort. It’s not a how-to-guide or self-help content, but a powerful, thought-provoking, and inspiring talk which can help you understand stress better. No matter what role stress plays in your life, I am pretty sure this talk will make you think and feel about it differently. So why not spend 14:28 minutes watching it?

About irinapashina

Marketing professional, blogger, group fitness instructor, reader, theater-goer


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