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Handshakes, Smiles, and a Reminder

Handshaking in Ghana is special. So are the smiles you receive at every turn. I had a lot of both during my short stay in Accra. 72 spectacular hours filled with so many, so diverse, so moving experiences felt like a month or a year of happiness. A walk to a beach that uncovered hundreds of human stories and ended up being different than expected. Remarks and conversations that seemed random, and were at the same time heart-warming and relevant. Sharing time and experiences with an open heart has rarely felt so easy and gratifying.

Accra, thank you for a lesson in humanness and a reminder to cherish the moment. Now let me try to spread it as much as I can.

By Livinba (own work); CC BY-SA 3.0

By Livinba (own work); CC BY-SA 3.0