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Festival Opening 2014: Gray Cats and Love in Cubic Meters

A chock-full festival hall and an atmosphere of joyous anticipation. The beginning of the festival is always special – the opening speech as a real gate-opener to a 10-day film feast, the introduction of the opening film, the directors and actors excited to present their work…

Opening ceremony film festival Heidelberg 2014

All of this followed by grey cats (“All Cats Are Gray”) and love measured in cubic meters (“A Few Cubic Meters of Love”). But wait a minute…
The cats are actually not cats at all. Gray are parts of the past, some memories (or the lack thereof), and a young girl looking for truth.
The love measured in a few cubic meters turns out to be so grand that it overwhelms with its purity and impossibility… to the extent that in the end you feel like screaming with the trapped couple in a desperate attempt to help them and there is nothing else you wish for in this very moment, but to be touched by at least one small portion of a cubic meter of this kind of love.

A few cubic meters of love

My film adventures continue and will take me to many different places in the next days. And you might want to consider seeing these two film stories. They are well worth your time, energy, and thoughts.

About irinapashina

Marketing professional, blogger, group fitness instructor, reader, theater-goer


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