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Hyacinth Emotions

Believe it or not, but hyacinths have the power of turning back the hands of time for me. When I see them, they take me back to my early childhood and one particular day of the year. This day was March 8th, a day (whether for a good reason or not) celebrated as a women’s day back then. Hyacinths, as beautiful early spring plants, were a preferred present given to all women in one’s family. On March 8th, their fragrance and appearance were everywhere. More than 20 years later, I still associate them with this day.

Author: Hedwig Storch; CC BY-SA 3.0, CC BY-SA 2.5 license; via Wikimedia Commons

Author: Hedwig Storch; CC BY-SA 3.0, CC BY-SA 2.5 license; via Wikimedia Commons

Hyacinths are all over the place now. I walked by a garden full of purple hyacinths today and they immediately triggered a mixture of emotions and memories. It’s fascinating how our mind is able to associate certain things, places or smells with the way we felt in a particular time in the past, isn’t it?

About irinapashina

Marketing professional, blogger, group fitness instructor, reader, theater-goer


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